My friend has had a rare kidney disease (Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis) since he was 10. There is an organization called the NephCure Foundation that focuses solely on finding a cure for FSGS and Nephrotic Syndrome, another rare kidney disease. They are sponsoring a walk here in Baton Rouge next weekend and we are going to participate as an Institute. Pres. Riggs has asked all of us in the Institute to donate at least $10 and we are hoping to raise at least $500. Pres. Riggs' secretary, Sis. Donna, lost a nephew to this disease last year so we have a lot of connections to it around here. Contributors in Baton Rouge have a goal of $25,000 and have raised almost $22,000 as of tonight. So yeah, you guessed it, I'm asking y'all to donate just a few dollars to this cause if you wouldn't mind. I am not usually the kind of person who's really big on fundraisers but when you know someone suffering from the disease it makes it a lot more personal. If you'd like to help us out, just go to Thanks so much guys!
Big Red
4 weeks ago