Friday, June 18, 2010

epic fail

My first attempt at deep-frying:They actually weren't too bad, and didn't taste that burnt, especially lathered in barbecue sauce. I suppose I could insert a joke about the BP oil spill here but that would be distasteful. Haha.


Becky Shuler said...

Gross! Is that chicken? It looks pretty rough...but if you could eat it I guess it was okay. What happened? Was the oil too hot or did you leave them in too long? YIKES! Better luck next time.

Sarah said...

Hahaha no it's butterfly shrimp. I let the oil get too hot because I didn't have a thermometer to measure the temp; I only had them in there for about 2 minutes tops. I think I will be more successful next time, and maybe invest in a thermometer.

Erin said...

I think frying is really tricky. I always have the oil too hot or not hot enough.

grammawood said...

BP Oil, now there's the rub! You probably won't be able fry shrimp like that again for a long time!
Anyway baking is much healthier!

Heather Jacques Wood said...

I've never tried deep-frying, but I've heard it's tricky. At least they were edible and didn't taste bad. Better luck next time!

davidwood said...

I'll bet that pretty soon you will be able to get some yummy shrimp from the gulf that won't require any frying oil. You just light them with a match and let the BP oil do the job. Just like cooking with wine, all the oil will evaporate and leave a golden brown and toasty shrimp with no dangerous hassle. :) (I adapted this idea from a spoof I read about fish caught in the gulf.)