Friday, January 29, 2010

three months later...

Forgive my blogging hiatus. This past semester ended up being the best of my college career. Despite having more responsibilities than ever before, I was able to:

get a 4.0 GPA (for the first time since high school)


get the boy I've liked for a while (although I never in my wildest dreams thought that he would like me back :D).



Stacy said...

Great job on 4.0 but onto the really important stuff-when do we get to see a picture of him, or even learn his name? hahaha

grammawood said...

Glad to see your new post. I'm with Stacy, even though I've met him in person, you definitely need to post a picture of Sam! And yeah! Congrats on getting on the President's List.

Erin said...

You are forgiven, but we expect weekly posts from now on!

emblair said...

Sounds like life is good!

Heather Jacques Wood said...

That's quite a successful semester! Congrats and congrats.

larshannon said...

Super Score! Happy for you.

davidwood said...

Way to go! Just like so many things in life: By the time you figure out how to do them really well, it's time to move on to something else. We're proud of you.

Becky Shuler said...

Couldn't be happier for you...and no one deserves it more! We love you and think Sam is lucky! Congratulations!!