Saturday, July 12, 2008


Last night before going to bed Loren convinced me to join her for some brownies and ice cream. It actually didn't take too much convincing on her part, I mean who would say no to brownies and ice cream? So we heated up our brownies, added some ice cream, and topped it off with chocolate syrup. This is why I love being friends with Loren, because she is never opposed to eating sweets and she can always make me laugh, no matter what. She tells me her problems and I tell her mine and then we find something to laugh about. We went exploring outside for a few minutes (with our bowls of dessert) because we both like the feel of warm concrete on our bare feet. We came back inside and spent the next two hours on the sofa, talking and laughing. I was laughing so much I could barely talk and tears were streaming down my face and I just felt so deliriously happy. I told Loren, "This is probably the closest I will ever feel to being drunk, when I'm laughing with you." Who needs alcohol when you can get 'drunk' on the little joys of life? We ended up in the kitchen, where Loren was literally on the floor laughing (much like the picture below from freshman year in our dorm room). I wish I'd thought to take a few pictures of our 'drunken' ecstasy, but oh well. The other picture is from a friend's birthday, December 2005. We haven't changed much, in looks or size OR maturity. Oh well.


grammawood said...

Glad to hear that you and Loren have so much fun together! I love the picture of Loren laughing on the floor, and since I've heard her laugh I can just imagine you two with your rollicking good time. Tell her hi from me.

Becky Shuler said...

Did crazy Loren fall on the floor while trying to get dressed or just plane fall off of her bed? Either way I am sure there is a story (behine)that picture.

Sarah said...

sometimes (quite frequently, actually) loren just falls down because she is laughing so hard. of course, that just makes her laugh even more.